Sharing tips and resources

The numbers of people now working remotely have soared, to the point where it could now be considered the norm. In fact, our LinkedIn followers ultimately prefer at least some working from home in their working pattern. With this change in environment comes all sorts of issues and rewards. Added distractions, more flexible working hours, the urge to continue working outside your normal hours and no commute being amongst them.

Navigating these hurdles is difficult in isolation, so we have prepared this little hub of hints and tips that we have picked up along the way. From working with the distraction of children to making sure your workspace is set up ergonomically we’ve got you covered.

Of course, please feel free to share your additional ideas and tips with us on our LinkedIn page.

Juggling work and home life

Working from home with children

Working from home can be tricky in its own right, but working from home with children is a completely different ball game. Sometimes the situation can make you feel like you are choosing between supporting your children and getting your work done. Take comfort in the fact that at this moment in time, many people across the UK are in the same position.

We have been compiling some of the best ideas we have found across the internet and some original ones of our own that will help you to effectively do you job and take care of your children at the same time.​

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Working from home with children

How do you manage a team remotely?

This question has been asked so many times in the past year as we have all drastically had to adapt our operations to the situation. Managing a team remotely whether one or all of you are not in the office requires a shift in practices and attitudes.

Working from home can be an isolating experience, which for some is welcomed, but can be at the detriment of team cohesion. It is important to keep your team feeling just that – like they are a team. Common goals and frequent communication are key unifiers, but there is much more to it than that. Take a look at our handy guides on management techniques and keeping up employee engagement.

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Managing a Remote Team
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